New EP, New Patch, New Issues?

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Not sure which of the EPs, SPs or patches implemented it, but EA mirrors have all these new wonderful features.

Is it possible to retroactively apply those changes to arr'd CC? 

Or do I have to wait and see if the creators upgrade the files themselves?

I've just noticed a mirror with a big crack on it, I'll' have to check out what else they do. I've passed your nessage along.

If you haven't heard, there's a virus active in the sims mods. If you haven't heard about it, go to Twisted Mexi's "ModGuard" page.

There is a mirror with a crack as part of the werewolf gamepack.  

I will check out the modguard page.  

Also, I was super annoyed at the added INFANT stage.  BOOOOOO.  Now I have to have a bassinette, a crib and a toddler bed?  

(I dunno if its obvious, but I have no idea how to access my other account from eons ago - Yecats.)

Heh, I figured. I have only just started TS4, I was still playing TS3 up until about a year ago. Nice to see you again.

There is a mod that just turns infants back into objects, I tried with the infants but it was such a grind I gave up.

I passed your message on to Pescado, haven't heard back.

J. M. Pescado:
As is typical of poorly-made, outdated CC, it needs to be manually updated.


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