thicc nsfw booty for the sims 4

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obviously there's no interest for ts4 but is there any chance of a ts4 booty, or a place to deposit payshite files? more and more patreons are cropping up and it'd be neat to remind people paysites .. must be destroyed.
otherwise, does anyone have any ideas to stop takedowns on independent sites from butthurt creators? cheers.

J. M. Pescado:
It's possible. We still have the site. Just no maintainers or sources as interest in TS4 seems so low. Are you volunteering?

Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2017 October 17, 06:37:39

It's possible. We still have the site. Just no maintainers or sources as interest in TS4 seems so low. Are you volunteering?

Potentially. I only have one or two things atm but I really don't mind spending more for a good cause ;)

Once people were aware of the TS3 bounty, they were usually happy to donate a piece or two if they could manage it.

I wouldn't mind helping out as needed either maintaining or sourcing.


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