I know that you can edit the list if you want the sim offspring to favor one parent over the other, like if the other parent has undesirable features that you don't want to get passed down, or if certain features of the parents don't seem to blend well. You'd have to do it before they have babies, of course, because after they give birth it's kinda too late. 
J. M. Pescado
Well, one trick I've used in the past is a sort of "embryo selection" trick. Extract both Sims with Simsurgery, then load them in CAS in a test neighborhood. Mash that "create a baby" button until you get a face you like, then delete the rest and save the target sim. Open up that test sim's file in SimPE, extract his LXNR, and copy it back over the LXNR of your original neighborhood (SimPE's simsurgery cannot do this part without filling your neighborhood in garbage sims).
And voila, you now have your selected designer baby.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.

Posts: 1151
Okay, after following the instructions at the top of this thread (and various updates throughout) I fixed DNA.
I noticed that with a Neighborhood open I can sort by Name in the Resource Window and have all the Sim DNA available, right down the column, and I can highlight each one of them and see the DNA. While I don't know who I am looking at, would it be harmful to make all the DNA that is missing the skintone string just match whatever the skintone range is? It doesn't seem to me that this would affect ghosts in any negative way and it would (in theory) serve to complete DNA for whatever existing Sims I haven't yet bumped into in Strangetown.
If this is not a horrible or harmful idea, would this be the way to manually fix any other town with fubared DNA?
I want people to stop saying, "Son of a bitch". Instead we should say "Son of an ASS" because that is more accurate. Spread the word! 
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
Some of the already deceased sims in the maxis neighborhoods are missing DNA pieces, and there's really no point to fixing them since they'll never pass it on. Only Strangetown and Veronaville had sims with problem DNA -- Pleasantview is clean, as are the townies and premades that come with NL, OFB and Pets. Now in you have missing DNA in CAS made or born-in-game sims, then you've got bigger problems. 
J. M. Pescado
Some of the already deceased sims in the maxis neighborhoods are missing DNA pieces, and there's really no point to fixing them since they'll never pass it on. This is one reason why you should not resurrect the premade dead. Necromancy is bad, m'kay?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.

Posts: 1151
I get that it isn't necessary, but will it hurt anything? For me it seems that it would be much easier to arrow down through the sim DNA section of the neighborhood and just fix the ones that are broken and then be done with it rather than open each individual person and then open their DNA and then change and commit, commit. This is especially true in Veronaville since I don't know any of the characters so have no idea who are the playables versus the non-playables. Most of them have the same number in the Skintone and Skintone Range sections anyway. I just want to know if I will mess anything up if I do this or if I should go ahead and do it the long way. 
I want people to stop saying, "Son of a bitch". Instead we should say "Son of an ASS" because that is more accurate. Spread the word! 
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 55
As Simsbaby, without notice, no longer hosts the Strangetown DNA file I put it on my site. 1 - Download the file N002_Neighborhood.zip from: http://gobblin.ownit.nu/DNA/N002_Neighborhood.zipCorrected Link: http://gobblin.ownit.nu/DNA/StrangetownHeterozygous.zip 2 - Backup the file N002_Neighborhood.package in the directory Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\UserData\Neighborhoods\N002 by renaming it to N002_Neighborhood.package_bak. 3 - Unzip the file you downloaded and place the extracted file N002_Neighborhood.package in the directory Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\UserData\Neighborhoods\N002 4 - Next time you start a game from scratch you will have a corrected Strangetown.
« Last Edit: 2007 June 28, 19:37:28 by Morphar »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 34
Morphar, I didn't fully check your file, but it seems your neighborhood hasn't corrected Lola Singles at the very least.  (I've already corrected Strangetown in my game and have it saved as a backup while I'm fussing with this isolated test neighborhood -- downloaded yours to see if I could save myself the trouble of restoring from backups.)
asciident / realrobotica
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 55
Morphar, I didn't fully check your file, but it seems your neighborhood hasn't corrected Lola Singles at the very least.  (I've already corrected Strangetown in my game and have it saved as a backup while I'm fussing with this isolated test neighborhood -- downloaded yours to see if I could save myself the trouble of restoring from backups.) Sorry, wrong file. You probably got the homozygous file that was first published. I have uploaded a new file that I first checked in game. Plese check it out. Thank you for your response. As an extra bonus you (and others) can have my homozygous DNA file for Veronaville. http://gobblin.ownit.nu/DNA/N003_Neighborhood.rarCorrected link: http://gobblin.ownit.nu/DNA/VeronavilleHomozygous.zip
« Last Edit: 2007 June 28, 19:34:35 by Morphar »
So this is where this thread was moved to. I searched for it a couple of times with no luck. Sorry, wrong file. You probably got the homozygous file that was first published. I have uploaded a new file that I first checked in game. Plese check it out. Thank you for your response. I just checked it with the one I have uploaded and I also checked a couple of the sims DNA although I didnt check all of them. Teh homozygous one should not be used. I somehow missed a couple of sims. The one that is correct is the one dated April 16, 2006(at the time I uploaded it).
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 62
A (probably stupid) question: if you have a child from two blond parents, and then have the child change her hair to red by using the "change appearance" function, does that change her genes?
(Also, hello. I am a, how do you kids say it, "noob"? Please feel free to mock me.)
No, changing appearance does not change genetics. There is no way to change a Sim's genetics from in-game.
J. M. Pescado
A (probably stupid) question: if you have a child from two blond parents, and then have the child change her hair to red by using the "change appearance" function, does that change her genes? That doesn't work in real life, why should it work in the game?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 62
A (probably stupid) question: if you have a child from two blond parents, and then have the child change her hair to red by using the "change appearance" function, does that change her genes? That doesn't work in real life, why should it work in the game? Because the game is often stupid and illogical?
Because the game is often stupid and illogical?
LOL, good answer. 
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 55
So this is where this thread was moved to. I searched for it a couple of times with no luck. Sorry, wrong file. You probably got the homozygous file that was first published. I have uploaded a new file that I first checked in game. Plese check it out. Thank you for your response. I just checked it with the one I have uploaded and I also checked a couple of the sims DNA although I didnt check all of them. Teh homozygous one should not be used. I somehow missed a couple of sims. The one that is correct is the one dated April 16, 2006(at the time I uploaded it). Uploaded where? The Strangetown file I now have on my site is the heterozygous one that you made. It's the one that I use in my game. The last change done was the correction of johnny Smith. I don't have the latest homozygouse one because I was not interested. The homozygous for Veronaville is my own that I use in my game. The one you made caused Veronaville to dissapear so I made my own that works. Any plans for making the heterozygous for Veonaville?
The Strangetown file I now have on my site is the heterozygous one that you made. It's the one that I use in my game. The last change done was the correction of johnny Smith. Uploaded where? I still have it uploaded in this thread at reply #162. The homozygous for Veronaville is my own that I use in my game. The one you made caused Veronaville to dissapear so I made my own that works.
Any plans for making the heterozygous for Veonaville? I reinstalled the game with no eps and made new files for Veronaville and Strangetown so that they would work with all games. Now I just need to get cable internet again so I can upload them, but it probably wont be until December or January.
« Last Edit: 2006 November 24, 05:30:03 by Dea »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 55
Uploaded where?
I still have it uploaded in this thread at reply #162.
I totally missed that. I belived it was only at Simsbaby's site. Thats why I put it on mine when people asked about it. I reinstalled the game with no eps and made new files for Veronaville and Strangetown so that they would work with all games. Now I just need to get cable internet again so I can upload them, but it probably wont be until December or January.
Oh, I'm glad to see that. Will there be a homo or heterozygous Veronaville?
Ah I figured it would get lost within so many posts...Its ok anyway I dont get to get online to often or very long when i do so I missed this thread for a while...I will have both just in case anyone is interested...
this is going to sound retarded of me but in the lines that i copy do i copy the whole line or just whats after the ":" i guess im just not used to this kind of hexing
(hope some one sees this soon cause im desprate))
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
this is going to sound retarded of me but in the lines that i copy do i copy the whole line or just whats after the ":" i guess im just not used to this kind of hexing
Just the hex code after the ':'.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 55
this is going to sound retarded of me but in the lines that i copy do i copy the whole line or just whats after the ":" i guess im just not used to this kind of hexing
(hope some one sees this soon cause im desprate))
Why do you not download the file where all changes are already made for you?
I made a new thread in Peasantry...For the new files
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 55
Thanks Morphar